Anabolic Steroids and Sport.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Since anabolic steroids were banned by the International Olympic Council in 1967, many, if not all, major professional sports organizations following their example, have banned the use of steroids by athletes. The cause is their potentially dangerous side effects and because they give the user an unfair advantage. There are many types of steroids, but one of the most common of them is anabolic-androgenic that promote growth of skeletal muscle (anabolic effect) and the development of male sexual characteristics (androgenic effects).

Most people think that this is just the stuff, something like food and drug supplement they buy steroids to increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance but actually they do a whole lot more and all of it is not so pretty. Additionally, Dr. Wadler stresses that "unlike almost all other drugs, all steroid based hormones have one unique characteristic -- their dangers may not be manifest for months, years and even decades. Therefore, long after you gave them up you may develop side effects."

Today every young athlete striving for victory, striving to win at any cost has to take a time to learn about the benefits, risks and many unknown factors regarding so-called performance-enhancing drugs and to decide that the benefits aren't worth the risks.

