Acie Law IV was born January 25, 1985 in Dallas, Texas. His father Acie III, who used to play as a point guard at Navarro Junior Colleage, is a mechanic. His mother Dolores works as an office clerk. Acie has an elder brother, Lamont and two younger sisters: Vivien and Frances.
He wears "Law IV" on his jersey instead of his last name only.
He has two tattoos: the one on his left arm quotes Psalm 91 and 93, and the other on his right arm says "Lord's Favorite Lawman".
During one of his workouts he broke his right arm. Then he started to practice shooting with his left hand. When he healed his injury, he was able to shoot with both hands. However, most of his shots have been taken with his left hand, which is specific because they almost don't have any spin.
Ray Allen has been Acie Law’s favorite NBA player and Sacramento Kings - his favorite team. When he was growing up he admired Magic Johnson.
In 1997 his grandfather died of a heart attach when he and his grandson were watching a boxing match together.